
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Here Are 5 Acts Of Kindness In Ferguson The Mainstream Media Ignores

5 Acts Of Kindness In Ferguson The Mainstream Media Ignores: #2) Helping Natalie DuBose - NewsNinja
DuBose, the single mother of two who used her life savings to open her own bakery, had found her sales plummet for several months due to the protests following the Brown shooting. It was sadder to see it in ruins when some rioters destroyed it Monday night. Despite the horrible circumstances, one of the fundraising websites committed to helping out has funneled in $257,781 at the time this article was written. Of course, DuBose was so gracious for the support, thanking everyone who helped her along the way. KEEP READING
Rand Paul calls viral Ferguson photo 'sign of hope' - JUSTIN GREEN/Washington Examiner