
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Gallup: Dems plunge to record low

Only 36 percent had a favorable view of the Democratic party, a 6-percentage-point drop from before the midterms, the Gallup poll released Wednesday found.

With the GOP standing with 42 percent favorability, it is the first time since 2011 the GOP has had a higher rating than the Democrats.


Not soon after his media-enabled reelection, when President Obama's poll numbers almost immediately began to crater, the media narrative shifted to the steady drumbeat of, "But the approval rating for Congress is much lower." That spin was obviously directed at Republicans, who controlled Congress. Although "congress" can mean both the Democrat-controlled Senate and the House, this was a nifty rhetorical trick the media used to argue that the GOP was in worse shape than Obama.

That lie was not only laid bare in last week's midterm elections, where Republicans at every level of government crushed Democrats (and their media cheerleaders) in a tidal wave that hit blue and purple states, but also in new polling numbers from Gallup that shows GOP lawmakers currently enjoy a higher approval rating from the American people than President Obama....

When asked by Gallup who should have more influence over the direction of the country, a majority of Americans chose Republicans in Congress over Obama by a whopping 56-36% margin.