
Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I would be remiss if I didn’t provide my periodic update on the Affordable Care Act, lest you grow complacent to its unspeakable egregiousness. So let’s review some recent tidbits, shall we? - David Limbaugh/Human Events

...There’s more. CNBC reports that though small-business owners may have avoided Obamacare’s regulations and penalties in its first year, they’ll not be able to do that in the second year and beyond. In a recent survey conducted by payroll processing firm ADP, small businesses indicated that health care costs and complexities and the enormity of government regulations are their greatest concerns. One-third of business owners are fined annually for failing to comply with some sort of government regulation. Half of the companies paying fines don’t even know the details of the fines they’re required to pay.

There’s still more. The Department of Health and Human Services is considering changing Obamacare’s auto-renewal rules such that if you don’t take action during the open enrollment window, you may be enrolled into a lower-cost plan. That isn’t so good as it will sound to some, because if you happen to want to stay in your existing plan under these circumstances — and keep your doctors, clinics, cost structures and benefit options — you may be precluded from doing so under the reassignment. And you probably can’t switch back once enrollment is closed. As Reason magazine’s Peter Suderman observed, “a hassle? Maybe. But have faith: They know what’s best.”

And there’s still more. A new report from Avalere Health reveals that insurers have increased premiums for the most popular plans sold on the exchanges after underpricing the policies last year. The average price for the 2015 exchange plans is increasing by 10 percent.

The bad news for Obama and his socialized-medicine disciples continues to pile up. A Gallup poll finds for the third consecutive year that the majority of Americans believe that it’s not the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have health care.

The more people find out about the horrors of socialism in practice the more they reject it. That is axiomatic — even in today’s America.