
Thursday, October 2, 2014

"The president's reassurances have turned out to be false."

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In just two weeks, Obama proven completely wrong about Ebola - Byron York/Washington Examiner @ByronYork

Flashback: Senator Obama rips Bush for being unprepared for avian flu epidemic
At that time, then-Senator Barack Obama scolded the Bush administration on the Senate floor, and quarterbacked a protest letter from his fellow Democrats over the slow response and lack of preparedness by the White House...
Obama 2005: The Avian Flu Is Very Dangerous and It's Only A Matter of Time Before It Comes to America - Ace Of Spades
Senator Obama sure seemed to take the danger of pandemics more seriously when he could lodge his concerns as a partisan criticism of another president.

President Obama is a lot more relaxed about global pandemics, for some reason.

Incidentally, of course, the avian flu never really hit the United States in any kind of major way.

I'm focusing on Obama's noting that a pandemic is only one plane ticket away from the United States -- something he knew in 2005, but seems to have forgotten by 2014, when he deemed Ebola's entry into the US "unlikely."

Also note that when Obama spoke (and perhaps still today) the Avian Flu could not be spread from one human to another.

Ebola obviously can be spread from human to human -- thus making it more likely to be spread via the airplane route.
The brunt of Obama's criticism reads like it could be leveled against his own handling of the current Ebola outbreak... - Grabien

Ebola patient “throwing up all over the place” outside before admitted to Texas hospital - The Right Scoop

"His whole family was screaming. He got outside and he was throwing up all over the place," resident Mesud Osmanovic, 21, said on Wednesday, describing the chaotic scene before the man was admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday where he is in serious condition. - Reuters

News chopper caught Ebola clean-up crew; Um. Notice anything missing? (It’s enraging) [photo] - Twitchy

‘Trying to CAUSE epidemic?’ This food delivery to Ebola family is truly unbelievable [photos] - Twitchy