
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Ebola case in Dallas is the latest example of our living in an era of pervasive incompetence and dishonesty:

EBOLA DOES DALLAS - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_o

The victim is a traveler from Liberia who was in the U.S. to visit relatives, according to the UK Daily Mail. And yes, there’s a chance he infected others, because when he first visited the hospital, they thought he had the flu, so they shot him up with antibiotics and sent him home:...
It was not until two days later that the man was admitted to the Dallas hospital and put in isolation, it has been reported.

It raises the frightening prospect that he was mixing freely with other people for a full two days while showing symptoms of the virus – the time when Ebola is most contagious....

Scott Gordon, a reporter for KXAS, tweeted ‘Hospital reviewing why patient wasn’t properly diagnosed on Friday when he was evaluated and sent home. Dismissed with antibiotics.’
Why, yes, that’s an excellent question. Why wasn’t a man from freaking Liberia who turned up at the hospital with flu-like symptoms – but was actually carrying Ebola in its most active, contagious stage – screened more carefully for Ebola? Follow-up question: why are we allowing air travelers from the ebola hot zone to roam freely in the U.S. without the most careful testing?

This is one of the reasons Americans are so worried about Ebola: we live in a sad-sack can’t-do era of pervasive incompetence and dishonesty. After watching mega-failures like ObamaCare and the Department of Veterans Affairs… after watching the President of the United States lie on national television in order to evade responsibility for his own foreign policy decisions… after watching everyone from Attorney General Eric Holder, to IRS officials, to the director of the Secret Service follow Obama’s lead, using lies and obfuscation to avoid the consequences of ineptitude and abuse of power… we have every reason to believe the authorities could screw up the response to Ebola, and even more reason to think they’ll be less than honest with us if that happens.

Update: Some good news from Reuters: the city of Dallas says all three members of the ambulance crew exposed to the Ebola victim have tested negative for the virus.

Dallas’ patient zero came to this country from Liberia knowing he had been closely exposed to an Ebola patient in his home country - Neoneocon

U.S. Patient Aided Pregnant Liberian, Then Took Ill. Liberian Officials Identify Ebola Victim in Texas as Thomas Eric Duncan - New York Times

...In a sign of how furiously the disease can spread, an ambulance had come to their house on Wednesday to pick up Sonny Boy. Another ambulance picked up a woman and her daughter from the same area, and a team of body collectors came to retrieve the body of yet another woman — all four appeared to have been infected in a chain reaction started by Marthalene Williams.

A few minutes after the ambulance left, the parents got a call telling them that Sonny Boy had died on the way to the hospital....