
Wednesday, October 8, 2014


MATTHEW IN THE MIDDLE: The Unfair Wage Act - Lost Coast Outpost

...This coming November we are voting on Measure R, AKA the “Eureka Fair Wage Act,” a citizens’ initiative to raise the current minimum wage by 33% to $12 per hour for any Eureka employer with 25 or more (full-time, part-time or seasonal – as low as 2 hours per week) employees, beginning 90 days from passage. Besides raising the minimum wage, it would institute an annual Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase based on the Consumer Price Index each year.

This initiative is being brought forth by former Occupy regulars - an anarchist, a homeless activist and the homeless - as a vendetta against Wal-Mart. What else do these people have in common? Not one of them owns a business, nor has to meet payroll. I know because I sat in on one of their Wednesday night meetings where I was about as welcome as Michael Moore showing up at an NRA rally....

Mystery Donors Fight ‘Fair Wage Ordinance,’ Plus Eureka Candidates’ Fundraising Totals - Ryan Burns/Lost Coast Outpost

Letter: Measure R is bad medicine for Eureka's economy - Fred Mangels/Times-Standard
Measure R is bad medicine for Eureka's economy Raising Eureka's minimum wage to $12 an hour is a bad idea. The state just raised the minimum wage to $10 July 1 and will raise it again next year to $11.
Measure R puts Eureka at unfair disadvantage: Vote no - Don Smullin/Times-Standard

Measure R: An overview of Eureka's Fair Wage Act - Will Houston/Times-Standard
This is the first story in a four-part series looking at Eureka's Fair Wage Act, known as Measure R, which will be on the city's Nov. 4 General Election ballot.

'Fair Wage Folks' seek $12 minimum wage in Eureka - Clay McGlaughlin/Times-Standard
This is the second story in a four-part series looking at Eureka's Fair Wage Act, known as Measure R, which will be on the city's Nov. 4 General Election ballot.

Measure R: Business weighs in on $12 minimum wage - Jillian Singh and Will Houston/Times-Standard
This is the third story in a four-part series looking at Eureka's Fair Wage Act, known as Measure R, which will be on the city's Nov. 4 General Election ballot.

Measure R: Comparing wage hikes in California cities - Will Houston/Times-Standard
Editor's note: This is the last story in a four-part series looking at Eureka's Fair Wage Act, known as Measure R, which will be on the city's Nov. 4 General Election ballot.


We need Measure R: Support the Eureka Fair Wage Act - Verbena Lea aka Kim Starr/Times-Standard
"Poverty level wages are not a gamble, they're a guaranteed loss for the community" — Working Families Party. Working people are ripped off by misguided public policy which claims that giving more money to the already-wealthy creates jobs.
For more information, visit the group's website at ◼, email or call 707-442-7465.

Times-Standard Editorial: Fair Wage Act unfair to city — vote no on R - Times-Standard EDITORIAL