
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Trey Gowdy SLAMS Dem Rep. For Blaming Secret Service Issues On Sequestration [VIDEO]

link - Daily Caller

Norton asked Secret Service director Julia Pierson questions about the effects of sequestration on the Secret Service, suggesting that the protection agency is down a few hundred agents since the sequester was put into effect.

Gowdy, the South Carolina freshman congressman, chastised Norton for the mere mention of it.

“I have some colleagues who are absolutely obsessed with sequestration. We can’t have any hearing without it coming up,” he said. “But you’re not going to sit here and tell us that sequestration is the reason why your agency did not find evidence of the shooting, are you?”

“No, I am not,” responded Pierson.

Gowdy carried on, telling Pierson he was “stunned” sequestration was even brought up.

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