
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Obama at the UN, For The UN

Obama’s speech today had something for everybody. - Jonah Goldberg/NRO

To his credit, he is moving away from the ridiculous “ISIL is not Islamic” talk, speaking much more honestly about how the problem is Muslim extremism, even if he still won’t use that exact phrase. He also implicitly admitted that the Russian reset was a failure and offered a more robust rebuke of Russia than I had expected.

But by trying to do too much he ended up undercutting himself. For instance, he felt the need to open with the observation that this is the best time in human history to be born. I largely agree with that, but is that really the best way to open a call to arms to attack an evil threat? Things are great! Now let’s roll!

While he had some solid admonishments for the Muslim world and some welcome admissions that ISIL is “evil” and only understands the language of force, he also had to provide a typically professorial caveat: “There is nothing new about wars within religions. Christianity endured centuries of vicious sectarian conflict. Today, it is violence within Muslim communities that has become the source of so much human misery.”

Again, that’s true. There is nothing new to wars within religions. But declaring “Hey this is nothing new,” is not the greatest way to phrase a call to arms....

Obama defends Islam and bashes Israel! - Breitbart

Obama praised cleric who supported fatwa on killing our soldiers - Washington Free Beacon

Outrageous: Obama Just Criticized America And Defended Islam In The Same Speech - WESTERNJOURNALISM
Even as extremist Islamic groups pledge their dedication to destroying America and Israel, countered by deafening silence from the majority of the faith’s more moderate community, Barack Obama continues to insist that there is no link between the religion and its murderous adherents around the world.

Earlier this month, he received significant criticism for asserting that the terrorist network Islamic State, also known as ISIS, “is not Islamic.”
Full text of Barack Obama's speech to the UN General Assembly - Telegraph UK