
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ELECTION 2014: Water Bond Drowning in Pork Spending

AFPCalifornia: This November California will vote on a water bond officially named the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. With the state in facing some of the worst drought conditions in decades – a water bond to fix the problem seems like a good idea. But exactly what will taxpayers in California be borrowing this money for, and what impact will it have on water storage? You might be surprised to learn how much of this water bond is drowning in environmental pork.

Environmentalists and other special interests never miss an opportunity to take advantage of a crisis – especially when they see opportunities to fund their pet projects. Building new water storage, which involves changing the natural flow of water, is an anathema to environmentalists. In fact, if they had things their way, there would be less dams and less water storage. In order for Governor Brown, and Republicans who wanted to increase the state’s supply of clean and reliable water, to gain the support of environmentalists in the legislature – millions of dollars of environmental pork had to be added to the measure.