
Monday, September 15, 2014

CFRW Capitol Update Monday, September 15, 2014

President's Message

I would like to share with you some interesting polling statistics and talking points about women voters that we received at the RNC Taking Back the Future Workshop. This information can be helpful when talking to voters, especially women, about the critical November election:

◼ Women’s top priorities are the economy, government spending, education and healthcare.

◼ Only 25% of women believe the country is headed in the right direction, while 67% say it’s on the wrong track. A majority (53%) also disapprove of President Obama’s job performance.

◼ For years Democrats have fixated on a contrived “war on women” to connect with female voters, they have no appeal to women voters beyond “Republicans don’t like you”.

◼ In the past the Democrats’ baseless attacks weren’t sufficiently countered Today the Democrat policies have done nothing to help improve the lives of working families and Republicans are answering their attacks forcefully.

◼ Recent survey results of likely women voters in Battleground Congressional Districts commissioned by the RBC & NRCC demonstrate that Republican priorities are more in line with women’s priorities, and we will work hard to earn their votes.

◼ Women’s priorities run the gamut, but the most important issues involve jobs and household finances. Second, the vast majority are upset with the status quo and express feelings that range from anger to apathy…but certainly not satisfaction.
What does the polling say?
◼ On the economy, women are still looking for solutions that offer women better work opportunities and will actually start growing our economy for all workers. They also endorse changes to our tax and retirement laws to allow them to keep more of what they earn and to help small business owners pursue they goals.

◼ On Obama Care, 55% of women oppose the Democrats’ healthcare law while just 41% support it, 43% strongly oppose the law ,compared to just 22% who strongly support it. Women agree that “we need to start over and create real health care reform that allows us to choose the plans we want, the doctors we need at the cost we can afford.

◼ 60% of women were more likely to agree with Republicans that say women should receive equal pay for equal work. What we need are real solutions, such as better paying jobs and updating antiquated laws. Under the Obama watch women are facing higher levels of poverty, lower incomes, and stagnant wages. Since Obama took office nearly four million women have fallen into poverty.(according to the U.S.Census Department)

◼ 52% of women were more likely to agree with Republicans that say we need higher wages for all hardworking Americans. We should view minimum wage jobs as stepping stones for Americans that provide important work experience and training. Instead of focusing on increasing the minimum wage we need to talk about how to move women out of minimum wage jobs and into better paying, higher skill employment .

◼ 67% of women were more likely to agree with Republicans that say women should have the freedom to pick the health care plan that best fits their needs. Women need more control over health care decisions, not less. Obama Care doesn’t allow women to make health care decisions for their families. We need real health care reform not a one-size-fits-all plan.
Republicans recognize the need to win a greater share of women’s votes. But unlike Democrats we do not define women voters as single issue voters. As women we wear many different hats and we care about many issues facing all Americans today from the economy and jobs to health care and national defense. We need to engage women voters.

So many women are Republican, they just don’t know it! It is our job to help educate them.

God Bless America
Thank you for all you do,
Working Together To Make A Difference

Stop Bad Bills!

Governor Brown signed into law last week, AB 1522 (Gonzales, D), which requires California employers to provide three days paid sick leave to all employees. We were disappointed, but there are still bills we need to stop! In the gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, Governor Brown said he is likely to sign the plastic bag ban. We must let him know that is not what Californians want!

SB 270 (Padilla, D): This narrowly passed bill now bans all plastic bags from grocers and retailers throughout California. Not only a ban, but a tax on Californians, who will now be charged 10 cents to use a paper bag or reusable bag. This will put thousands of plastic bag manufacturer workers out of work in California. This is useless legislation and must be stopped!

SB 1077 (DeSaulnier, D): The recently amended "Road Usage Fees" bill (from "Mileage Based Fees," same function, different name) passed through the legislature and is waiting for Governor Brown's signature. This bill creates a pilot program for the California Transportation Commission to begin to tax California automobile users by the number of miles they drive per day. The tax revenue from gas taxes just isn't the same in California since everyone and their mother drives a hybrid, so the Democrats have gotten creative on how they can take our money. This bill unfairly targets rural drivers who have to drive further for basic necessities and blue collar Californians who commute everyday.

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Mail: Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tweet: @JerryBrownGov

CFRW Ballot Recommendations
Below are the California Federation of Republican Women's ballot recommendations. Talking points for each proposition will be available shortly.
Prop 1: YES
Prop 2: YES
Prop 45: NO
Prop 46: NO
Prop 47: NO
Prop 48: Neutral or No Position