
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

New poll shows 79% of people think their kids future won't be better than their own.

MSNBC: “Total disconnect” between Obama’s rhetoric on economy and reality for voters - HotAir

Worth a watch, especially on this particular network even though Morning Joe offers much more reality than most of the rest of MSNBC’s schedule. Today’s reminder of reality comes from Wall Street Journal’s White House correspondent Carol Lee, who points out that the sunny rhetoric from Barack Obama and his administration has a “total disconnect” to the reality for most Americans, as seen in the latest NBC/WSJ poll.

Time for another pivot?

CNN: Abysmal New Obama Poll ‘Very Ominous Sign For Democrats’ - Daily Caller

America's Fed Up: Obama Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low, Poll Shows - NBC
"The public seems have moved beyond the plaintive cry of ‘Feel our pain!’ to the more angry pronouncement of ‘You are causing our pain!’"