
Friday, July 4, 2014

Megyn Kelly Interview With Bill Ayres

Part 1:

Part 2:

‘You Sound Like Osama bin Laden’: Megyn Kelly Goes Toe-to-Toe with Bill Ayers - Josh Feldman/Mediaite
Megyn Kelly Calls Out Bill Ayers in a Big Way During Highly Anticipated Interview: ‘It’s in Your Book!’ - The Blaze
One of the most interesting moments came after Kelly confronted Ayers about the Weather Underground’s suspected involvement in the bombing of Judge John Murtaugh’s home in 1970. At the time, Murtaugh, who was judging a case involving the Black Panthers, was in the home with his 9-year-old son.
Megyn Kelly Takes on Bill Ayers: ‘You Sound Like Osama Bin Laden’ - FOX
Highlights: Megyn Kelly's Exclusive Interview With Bill Ayers - Townhall
What Was Bill Ayers Thinking During His Megyn Kelly Interview? - Newshounds