
Friday, July 4, 2014

America at the Crossroads on the Fourth of July

So what do we do? How do we become — on this Fourth of July — the United States of America again? - Roger L Simon/PJMedia

The situation we are in this July 4th calls for humility of talk coupled with firmness of action. It does not call for circular firing squads. With thirty-three percent of the country acknowledging Obama as the worst president since the Second World War, people on the other side and in the middle are clearly beginning to listen. Ears are opening. This is, as they saying goes, a golden opportunity.

This Fourth of July, take it. Talk to your liberal and independent friends, family and neighbors, but don’t gloat. Don’t point to the polls and brag “I told you so!” Commiserate with them instead. You and they are Americans, after all, as Barack Obama once said and then forgot or ignored, and it is our great country that has come to this pass. And, as we all know, as America goes, so goes the world.

This is serious business. Just being right doesn’t mean much. Getting things fixed does. We are at that tipping point where it could get fixed. It’s up to us. If not us, who?