
Thursday, June 26, 2014

"When the hard drive in question was destroyed, the IRS should have called in an accredited IT Asset Destruction (ITAD) professional or firm to complete that process, which requires extensive documentation, official signoffs, approvals, and signatures of completion. If this was done, there would be records. If this was not done, this is the smoking gun that proves the drive or drives were destroyed improperly – or not at all.”

IT Trade Association Questions Whether Lerner's Emails Were Destroyed - Weekly Standard

“The notion that these emails just magically vanished makes no sense whatsoever. That is not how IT asset management at major businesses and government institutions works in this country. When the hard drive in question was destroyed, the IRS should have called in an accredited IT Asset Destruction (ITAD) professional or firm to complete that process, which requires extensive documentation, official signoffs, approvals, and signatures of completion. If this was done, there would be records. If this was not done, this is the smoking gun that proves the drive or drives were destroyed improperly – or not at all.”

Americans overwhelmingly believe IRS deliberately destroyed Lerner emails - T. Becket Adams/Washington Examiner

An impressive 76 percent of respondents say the federal agency orchestrated the disappearance of nearly two years’ worth of Lerner’s emails, according to the poll conducted June 21-23.