
Thursday, June 26, 2014


In any other administration, the debacle unfolding across our Southern border would be dominating the news. But in the Age of Obama, it jostles for attention with a host of other scandals and catastrophes. Tens of thousands of Central Americans–maybe more–have now traversed Mexico and deposited themselves at our border, where they are being whisked into the United States. The migrants endure privation and danger to get here, lured by reports that an amnesty is coming. - OHN HINDERAKER/POWERLINE

James Buchanan is hard to top, but as the disasters multiply, Barack Obama has managed to insert himself into the “worst president ever” conversation. - STAR-TELEGRAM

The U.S. government is preparing to open a new facility in rural New Mexico to hold hundreds of unaccompanied children arriving from Central America as state officials call on federal authorities to do more to stop the migration.

"Dang it, the federal government has got a job to do," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Wednesday in Nogales, where she toured a southern Arizona facility housing nearly 1,000 children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The surge of border crossings has strained the limits of existing resources, prompting the Republican governor to renew her criticism of the Obama administration's immigration policies.

Brewer said states have no authority in addressing the matter, referring to a federal lawsuit against Arizona over its sweeping immigration bill known as SB1070....

Obama Administration Won't Say How Many Children Are Showing Up for Deportation Hearings - CNS

"I don't have that number in front of me," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Tuesday after one of them asked.

"It's not that you don't have it. It's that you don't want to release it, right?" the reporter said, noting that Earnest was asked the same question last week....

In a speech on the Senate floor Thursday, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) pointed to a leaked May 30 memo written by Deputy Border Patrol chief Ronald Vitiello, which said only three percent of apprehensions from countries other than Mexico are being sent back to their home countries, most in Central America.

"I repeat: only three percent are being returned home," Sessions said.

Sessions blames lax immigration enforcement for the border crisis. "America deserves leaders in the Executive Branch who will stand up and say clearly: the crisis must end now. The border is closed. If you come unlawfully, you will be deported."

Obama working with 'Homeland Security' for executive action on immigration...
Feds Look to Ship Influx to NY Facility...
Backlog of 360,000 cases...
'Stash Houses' Thrive...
'Your Children Can go to School'...
'Cheat Sheet' Found...
90% of illegals skip court appearances...
GOP Chairman Blames Obama's Lack of Enforcement for Killing Immigration Reform...
Border agents' new jobs: Food prep, laundry service...