
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Earth’s War On Women: Professor Wants To Sacrifice Reproductive Rights In The Name Of Climate Change

Princeton University Professor Peter Singer, speaking on a panel at the abortion and contraception activist conference “Women Deliver,” suggested a frightening fix to the imminent “environmental catastrophes” facing our planet – take away women’s reproductive choices. - IJ Review
Singer added that “greenhouse gases… are getting very close to a tipping point,” and climate change could become a “catastrophe and cause hundreds of millions or billions of people to become climate refugees.”

In that case, he said, “we need to consider whether we can talk about trying to reduce population growth and whether that’s compatible with the very reasonable concerns people have about women’s right to control their life decisions and their reproduction.”
As if that couldn’t be more offensive, Singer then compared the right of women to give birth to the right people have to graze their cattle on common property. Overgrazed ground – which he equates to bearing more children – leads to smaller yields, leads to disaster.
“Turns out that the right to graze as many cows as you like on the common was not an absolute right,” said Singer. “Obviously this is what I think we ought to be saying even about how many children we have… I hope we don’t get to a point where we do have to override it… but I don’t think we ought to shrink away from considering that as a possibility.”
His remarks weren’t received too well