
Monday, June 2, 2014

Carney: We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists Because Bergdahl Wasn’t a Hostage or Something

Critics of the administration’s deal to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are accusing Barack Obama of everything from negotiating with terrorists to breaking the law requiring that he notify Congress before releasing detainees from Guantanamo Bay. - IJ Review
Monday, White House press secretary Jay Carney claimed that because Bergdahl was a “prisoner of war,” as opposed to a “hostage,” the White House didn’t — technically — negotiate with the Taliban. Nice spin, Jay.

White House Can’t Agree: Susan Rice Calls Bergdahl ‘Hostage,’ Carney Says He’s Not - DAILY CALLER
The Obama administration is struggling to explain how their deal to release five top-ranking Taliban in exchange for captured Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl does not violate the U.S. prohibition on negotiating with terrorists, splitting hairs and contradicting one another in deliberations over whether Bergdahl was a “hostage” or a “prisoner of war.”
Did Obama Just Trade a Deserter for 5 Taliban Leaders to Distract from the Mass Mistreatment of Honorable Veterans? - Jim Treacher/Daily Caller
Obama clearly broke the law by releasing those prisoners from Gitmo without notifying Congress, but it’s easy to dismiss such pesky details by adding those two magic words: “Republicans say.”
Jonathan Turley: Let’s face it, this Bergdahl prisoner swap is illegal - HOTAIR
◼ Via RCP, you already know ◼ why it’s illegal but stay tuned anyway for two excellent points that have been overlooked. One: There’s no reason why the White House couldn’t have complied with the statute and notified Congress months or even years ago of its intent to do a deal for Bergdahl involving the Taliban Five if/when the opportunity ever presented itself. The reason they kept mum and did this on the sly, without notifying anyone first, isn’t because they had to “move quickly” or whatever, it’s because they knew that advance notice to Congress would give hawks on both sides of the aisle time to build political pressure against the swap. Obama wants to empty Gitmo and make nice with the Taliban before we abandon Afghanistan to its fate, and complying with the law was an impediment to that. So he broke it.

And, by the way, if you take the Taliban at their word, this little Hopenchange gambit to build goodwill as a preface to broader peace talks is doomed to fail.

Reintegration: Military hides Bergdahl from public view...
FLASHBACK: 'Converted to Islam And Taught Captors Bomb Making Skills'... - Mail Online 8/22/10
NYTIMES: Left note explaining desertion before going AWOL... - New York Times
Pentagon knew whereabouts but didn't risk rescue for 'deserter'...
Never Officially Listed as POW...
CHARGE: Soldiers died searching for him...
Former fed prosecutor: Release of Gitmo terrorists impeachable offense...
PREZ: 'Absolutely' Possible They Will Return to Terror - Real Clear Politics
Freed Taliban leaders given hero's welcome...
Toobin: Obama 'Clearly Broke Law' - Mediaite
FATHER: 'I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners'...
Anger explodes...