
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cantor takes the high road in announcing he’ll step down as majority leader

No knocks on Dave Brat, no swats at the tea party, just thanks to his colleagues and staff plus a call for party unity ahead of the midterms. - HotAir

"Conservatives have solutions that can help alleviate the middle-class squeeze and provide opportunity to all regardless of their circumstance in life. And I will continue to fight for each and every American who’s looking to better themselves and help their families by pursuing the American dream. While I will not be on the ballot in November, I will be a champion for conservatives across the nation who are dedicated to preserving liberty and providing opportunity.

Truly, what divides Republicans pales in comparison to what divides us as conservatives from the Left and their Democratic Party. I hope that all Republicans will put minor differences aside and help elect a Republican House and Senate so that we may all benefit from a proper check and balance that leaves our nation more secure, more prosperous and freer."
And the media?