
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Canada pulls the plug on the U.S. Keystone Pipeline – will send oil to Asia

Obama’s inability to make a decision on Keystone has finally yielded a result – Canada has made the decision for him. - Watts Up With That?

Breitbart ◼ reports Canada has just approved the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project – a major pipeline to ship Canadian oil to Asia.

The Canadian oil will still be burnt – in Asia, instead of America.

All the jobs and energy security which Canadian oil could have delivered to America, will instead be delivered to Asia.

Rather than purchasing crude from a friendly and allied neighbor, the United States will most likely need to continue its reliance upon hostile sources like Venezuela. Energy analysts had hoped that construction of Keystone could have replaced almost half of the current U.S. daily crude purchases from that volatile, anti-American dictatorship, depriving Venezuela of the resources it relies upon to stay in power and fund its Cuban allies.

You can’t say Canada didn’t give America a chance – they waited years for the American administration to come to their senses.