
Friday, June 27, 2014

BREAKING: (AND UPDATED) McDaniel says they’ve already found over 1,000 illegal votes in one county alone

Chris McDaniel was on Hannity tonight and said they’ve already found over 1,000 votes that were cast by people who voted both in the Democratic primary and in the runoff last Tuesday. - The Right Scoop

BREAKING! There May Be Enough Invalidated Votes to Overturn Cochran Victory …Update: 800 Hinds County Voters Crossed Over Illegally - The Gateway Pundit

UPDATE: The Cochran campaign is reportedly asking county clerks not to certify the voting rolls until the last day possible so that the McDaniel people will not be able to look at the rolls and challenge them."

BREAKING: McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls in Nine Mississippi Counties - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit

UPDATE: Lindsay Krout, a volunteer working in Mississippi, was barred from reviewing voter rolls in Lafayette County Mississippi Friday morning.

Lindsay said when she went to the Lafayette County courthouse this morning and was forced to wait for an hour. Then the county clerk told her the Secretary of State’s office said the county had to redact the Social Security number and addresses from the voter rolls. The clerk said it will take until Wednesday to redact the information. And, the county will charge McDaniel supporters for the extra work.

Mississippi law states that the clerk must allow public viewing of the election documentation...

Lindsay said McDaniel supporters in Lowndes County and Lauderdale County faced similar pushback from the local officials. The clerks also said they would have to schedule the time so county officials could be present.

There are reports that Governor Phil Bryant wants to certify the election on Monday.

UPDATE: McDaniel supporters are facing the same pushback in Stone County.

UPDATE: The McDaniel supporters say they are facing a similar situation in Marshall County, Quitman County and Coahoma County

UPDATE: Lindsay writes, “Add Forrest County and Smith County to the list.”