
Thursday, May 29, 2014

No Potatoes for You

Michelle Obama Defends Her Lunch Program - Michelle Obama/New York Times

...unfortunately, we’re now seeing attempts in Congress to undo so much of what we’ve accomplished on behalf of our children.... Right now, the House of Representatives is considering a bill to override science by mandating that white potatoes be included on the list of foods that women can purchase using WIC dollars....

Potato Council Debunks First Lady's 'Science' Claims - CNS News

"Opponents of adding fresh potatoes to the WIC package are picking and choosing the science. Instead of relying on a 2005 report that looks at data from the mid-1990s, we argue that important federal nutrition programs should be based on the latest available science - in this case, ◼ USDA's own 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans."

The white potato is the only fresh fruit or vegetable excluded from the WIC program. Even such nutritionally-dubious items as sugar cane are allowed.

School Lunch Under Oligarchical Collectivism - What Michelle's kids get for lunch nothing like her mandates - Moonbattery

Good thing CNN has granted Michelle Obama the power to sign legislation into law. Otherwise she would have a hard time imposing her school lunch initiative, given that the food involved is so horrid it makes small children cry:
FOX 4′s Katie Ferrell reported Tuesday morning on the reaction from Kansas City-area parents to the [supposedly] more nutritious school lunches.

“The food provided as school lunch is not even edible. My 5-year old isn’t picky and she cries if we accidentally forget to pack her lunch,” said Jaye Anne Isom-Moloski on our facebook page.
If the examples shown were ever presented as meals to the vacationing terrorists at Club Gitmo, the UN would declare America to be worse than Nazi Germany.

By contrast, the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., where many politicians have sent their children to school, serves school lunches designed by chefs. This week, for example, they might enjoy meatball subs, BBQ wings and ice cream, in addition to chicken curry, deviled egg salad and the “Chef’s Choice.”

Other options on the Sidwell menu include crusted tilapia, herb roasted chicken, BBQ sliders, beef nachos, and pepperoni flatbread pizza. It pays to be born into the oligarchy.

The GOP spending bill for agriculture and food programs was released Monday and would allow schools to apply for waivers to opt out of the standards if they had a net loss on school food programs for a six month period. A House Appropriations subcommittee approved the bill Tuesday.
Schools reject new government lunch rules - WTOP
Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Overhaul — Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why - The Blaze
First, about one million public school students said “no way” to their cafeteria menus after Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign led to anger and frustration over food that apparently many American kids didn’t want to stomach.
Texas School Opting Out Of Federal Lunch Program - CBS Dallas/ForthWorth
Carroll Independent School District has dropped out for a year. Nutrition Services Director Mary Brunig says the requirements are too restrictive. “You have to follow exactly what is in this meal pattern, if you are the national school lunch program.”
Brunig says as a result, a lot of food wound up in the trash.
“With the new program in place, the new meal pattern, our participation started to drop. And the other thing was there was food waste. Children were not eating the food,” she said. “If the children aren’t eating the food, there’s no nutrition.”
Brunig says the district plans to create its own healthy meals without federal restrictions.
Schools dump federal lunch program - Breitbart
New York school drops Michelle Obama lunch standards: Kids too hungry - Washington Times
The district lost about $100,000 trying out the federal menu, which offered such meals as “part” of a chicken patty on a minicroissant, reported.

“Students felt they weren’t getting good value for their money,” Ms. Boehm said in “The high schoolers especially complained the portion sizes were too small and many more students brought in lunch from home.”

This isn’t the first school to drop the federal lunch menu plan. Catlin, Ill., schools did the same, calling the guidelines too “restrictive,” reported.
Public School Kids Rebel Against Michelle Obama's Healthy School Lunches As First Daughters Get Meatball Subs, Ice Cream - Leah Barkoukis/Townhall
With public school students using #ThanksMichelleto tweet photos of their skimpy, stomach-turning school lunches, I decided to look at what Michelle Obama's daughters are served at Sidwell Friends school, and it turns out the girls dine on lunches from menus designed by chefs.

While the Obama daughters have enjoyed dishes like chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, crusted tilapia,they also get their fill of what Mrs. Obama might consider junk food.

This week, for example, they'll enjoy meatball subs, BBQ wings, and ice cream, in addition to chicken curry, deviled egg salad and the intriguing "Chef's Choice."

Sidwell Friends has even been rated the #1 School Lunch program in America.
House Republicans have a new bill that addresses the concerns schools have about the lunch program, such as its cost and restrictiveness. Naturally, the first lady attacked the effort on Tuesday, calling it “unacceptable.” The nation is facing a “health crisis,” she insisted, and “the last thing we can afford to do right now is play politics with kids’ health.”