
Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day...

George W. Bush: “On Memorial Day, America’s thoughts go to the courageous men and women of the United States Armed Forces who gave their lives for the country they love. They defended our Nation, liberated the oppressed, and served the cause of liberty. Every moment we live in freedom was secured by their sacrifice, and every American is in their debt. We can never repay what they gave for this country, but on this holiday, we acknowledge the debt by showing our respect and gratitude.

Laura and I join a grateful Nation in paying tribute to the brave citizens who laid their lives down for our liberty. May we always honor them. May we always embrace their families. And may we always be faithful to who they were and what they fought for.

May God bless our troops, veterans, and the families who stand beside them. And may God continue to bless America.”

Paul Ryan: Memorial Day is a time for our country to reflect on the service and sacrifice of countless Americans. It’s a time for us to give thanks to brave men and women who defended our nation and protected our way of life.

Michele Bachmann: At every turn we must support those who proudly shoulder the burden of defending this nation. Let us share their stories so that their sacrifice is never forgotten, and may we always remember that our nation’s freedom and prosperity have not been easily purchased.

Rasmussen Reports: 39% Consider ‪#‎MemorialDay‬ One of the Most Important Holidays...