
Saturday, April 19, 2014

'This is one of the biggest days of their lives. They've taken the glory and shine from the children and put on Mrs. Obama. She doesn't know our kids.'

High school senior forms petition with over ONE THOUSAND signatures against Michele Obama speaking at their high school graduation 'because it would overshadow the students' big day' - Daily Mail

Taylor Gifford, 18, started an online petition on Thursday with over 1,200 signatures asking that Michelle Obama not speak at Topeka High School graduation

Obama's speech is tied to the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education outlawing segregation in schools

Some students feel that the speech would overshadow student accomplishments and others feel limited seating will be a problem

'People think it's a great opportunity, but it's the graduates' time. They are getting that diploma that they worked so hard for,' Gifford said. 'Families are feeling that they are being cheated out of the loved ones special day.'

Abbey Rubottom, 18, a Topeka High senior, described herself as a 'die-hard Democrat' but doesn't like the idea of Obama sharing the stage with graduates.

'No disrespect for the first lady, and it's amazing that she wants to come speak, I just think it doesn't belong at graduation,' Rubottom said.

Rubottom suggested separate ceremonies with Obama speaking at one and the address being replayed at the other.

Some people have said bringing in the first lady politicizes the graduation. Others have suggested that if she wants to mark the Brown anniversary, she could just visit the historic site that commemorates the decision, which is just few blocks from the graduation venue.