
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Harry Reid condemns ‘hateful racist’ Cliven Bundy

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has called Cliven Bundy a “hateful racist” and has urged Republican leaders to condemn him. - Politico
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Mo Elleithee condemned Bundy’s remarks on Twitter on Thursday, as well.
Harry Reid condemns Bundy for saying Obama’s light-skin and non-negro dialect helped him become president… - The Right Scoop
Oh wait! Bundy didn’t say that at all. That was what Harry Reid said about Obama in 2008, meaning he thought Obama was white enough to be president.

So take that into consideration when you read below that Harry Reid is calling on Republican leaders to publicly condemn Cliven Bundy:
POLITICO – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has called Cliven Bundy a “hateful racist” and has urged Republican leaders to condemn him.

“Today, Bundy revealed himself to be a hateful racist,” Reid said in a statement released Thursday.
Reid apologizes for racial remarks about Obama during campaign - Mark Preston/CNN 1/9/2010

Black Conservative Kira Davis: I don’t care if Cliven Bundy is a racist

Slavery better than welfare? - Washington Post
Rand Paul, Republicans -- RUN! - Washington Post
Rancher responds - The Right Scoop