
Saturday, April 26, 2014

FULL SPEECH: Watch Mark Levin’s speech at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum

The Great One gave a great speech today at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum and you can watch the full speech, at the link. - The Right Scoop

Conservative Radio Host Mark Levin Goes Off on GOP at NRA Convention…Moments After Republican He Routinely Slams Got Done Speaking - The Blaze

Mark Levin, Wayne LaPierre Speak at the 2014 NRA Annual Meetings in Indy - Katie Pavlich/Townhall

That message? “Bloomberg is one guy with millions. We’re millions with our 25 bucks. Let’s see who crushes who.”
LAPIERRE: Country 'slipping away,' gun owners 'willing to fight' for control - Washington Times
Firearms applications surge, swamp registration system - USA Today
"We have seen dramatic, unprecedented ... growth in the firearms and ammunition industry as the direct result of consumer demand for our products in the last five years,'' the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the gun industry's trade association, said on its website. "Not surprisingly, growth has placed added demand on the (ATF's) Office of Enforcement Programs and Services.

"Today, the office simply does not have the funding or personnel it needs to serve the industry and, by extension, our customers.''

The foundation estimated that the ATF's office needed $10 million in additional funding to "provide the level of service our industry needs to remain in compliance with federal law.''