
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Five Ways Obama's Foreign Policies Have Failed

As Russian troops hoisted their flag over Crimea, President Obama’s highly touted “reset” diplomacy crashed and burned. The Russian reset was to have been the crown jewel of Mr. Obama’s statecraft, the start of a new era in which Washington and Moscow worked together to solve the world’s problems. That naïve dream burst when Vladimir Putin ordered his tanks to roll. - Heritage

But botched relations with the Russians is just the latest and arguably most dramatic failure of White House foreign policy. This administration has suffered a global string of setback. Here are five previous failures the Oval Office hopes most of us never noticed or won’t the link.

Each one of these developments is unfortunate. Taken together, they are tragic–and overwhelming proof of the failure of the Obama Doctrine. That doctrine assumed that all foreign relations problems could be fixed with “smart power.” They can’t.