
Friday, April 18, 2014

DEMOCRATS SAY THERE'S NO VOTER FRAUD, yet there are 77 voters all registered at a fictional address in NC

Asheville, NC – In what they call an “invitation for another chaotic election,” the Voter Integrity Project of North Carolina, today asked Buncombe County election officials to curtail the practice of registering voters from addresses that don’t exist. - Right Wing News

...It’s baffling that anybody can vote with a false registration address,” said Jay DeLancy, “but that looks like the policy of the Buncombe County Board of Elections. We found 342 voters registered to false addresses, 77 of them to the fictional address called Zero Tunnel Road.”

There is no such address as Zero Tunnel Road. The group provided emails from Buncombe County Emergency services and from a US Postal Service representative, confirming the Tunnel Road address is inadequate.

...Seventy-six of the Zero Tunnel Road voters all listed a mobile home community at 1314 Tunnel Road as their mailing address and one listed a Black Mountain PO Box....

Today, the group turned over their research to Trina Parker, showing the records of 342 registered Buncombe County voters, who all listed fictional voter registration addresses in and around Asheville.