
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time is not running out for Israel. Time is running out for Obama. And that’s what Israel needs to worry about most.

Obama threatens Israel on eve of Netanyahu visit...Follows up on John Kerry’s threat so stand aside and leave Israel to the international mob. - William A. Jacobson/Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

...It’s the same threat John Kerry made several weeks ago, but now it’s coming from Obama’s own lips, as (Jeffrey) Goldberg noted (emphasis added):
On the subject of Middle East peace, Obama told me that the U.S.’s friendship with Israel is undying, but he also issued what I took to be a veiled threat: The U.S., though willing to defend an isolated Israel at the United Nations and in other international bodies, might soon be unable to do so effectively.

“If you see no peace deal and continued aggressive settlement construction — and we have seen more aggressive settlement construction over the last couple years than we’ve seen in a very long time,” Obama said. “If Palestinians come to believe that the possibility of a contiguous sovereign Palestinian state is no longer within reach, then our ability to manage the international fallout is going to be limited.”
For Goldberg to characterize Obama’s statement as a “veiled threat” is pretty significant.

To me, it wasn’t a veiled threat, it was just a threat.

We’ve explored this issue here repeatedly over the years — The only thing that can seriously damage Israel is a U.S. president who steps aside and lets the international mob have its way at the U.N. and elsewhere.