
Friday, March 14, 2014

‘Shut Up Your Mouth, Obama’:

Egyptian Woman’s Rant Goes So Viral It Even Has a T-Shirt - The Blaze

A video in which an Egyptian woman accuses President Barack Obama of interfering in Egypt’s business, calling the U.S. president a “donkey” and exclaiming multiple times, “Shut up your mouth, Obama,” has gone viral in the Middle East, inspiring a remix, Photoshopped spoofs and even T-shirts.

In the video which appears to have been taken during a protest, the unidentified woman wearing a turquoise-colored hijab speaks both in English and Arabic....

“I’d like to convey the following message to Obama. Listen, Obama. We are Egyptian women. You are listen, Obama? Shut up your mouth, Obama. Shut up your mouth, Obama!” she says in the video.

“Our message to you, you donkey: No matter what you do, we will not restore the ousted president [Mohammed Morsi],” she said according to a translation provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“Al-Sisi, yes. Al-Sisi, yes. Morsi, no. Morsi, no,” the woman chanted, referring to Egyptian Defense Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces Abdel Fattah al-Sisi who played a key role in deposing Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated President Mohammed Morsi last summer.

Egyptians have repeatedly accused the U.S. of intervening in Egyptian affairs, more notably after the ouster of Morsi which prompted an Obama administration decision to withhold some of the annual U.S. military aid to Egypt.