
Monday, February 17, 2014

White House panics as millennials wise up, bail on President Obama

President Obama is making a sudden push to win back millennial voters, who have grown disillusioned over his failed “Hope and Change” campaign that left them without jobs, living in their parents’ basement. - Joseph Curl/Washington Times

...But the situation is far worse than just flagging enrollment of Obamacare, and the president knows it. Young people, who turned out in droves in 2008 and put the first-term Illinois senator in the White House, have grown increasingly disillusioned, seeing him now as just another politician who makes promises he has no intention of keeping.

...Much, much worse: 54 percent of 18-24-year-olds say they would vote to “recall and replace” the president — in Washington, that’s called “impeachment.”...

There are a few reasons for the sudden exodus: First, millennials detest the NSA phone snooping program. And they were put off Obamacare by the technically inept rollout, when the federal webpage wouldn’t work for weeks. Plus, few can find jobs as the economy continues to flounder....

Obama: Signing Up for Obamacare Is 'Just Part of Growing Up' - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard