
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Obama administration is short of star power as it begins its last public relations blitz for ObamaCare

President Obama’s celebrity supporters are not in the forefront as they were during the star-studded campaign-style videos that hogged the airwaves in 2008. - The Hill ◼ Via Drudge

Contrary to expectations, the White House’s A-list backers have mainly stuck to Twitter to voice support for ObamaCare, while others have appeared in inexpensive online videos, or chosen to promote California’s insurance marketplace instead of, the notoriously troubled website for the federal exchanges.

It seems that not even the president’s most fervent and committed supporters want to get too close to ObamaCare. Some of Obama’s most powerful allies — figures including Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen and BeyoncĂ© — have stayed in the wings for the enrollment push.

...An administration official told The Hill that social media is one of the best ways to reach young people directly, and to expect those efforts to continue. The official noted that tens of thousands of people tweeted using the hash-tag “GetCovered” over Valentine’s Day weekend.

Still, a Twitter campaign lacks the financial backing and gravitas of a commercial that airs during the Olympics, and the administration was only able to net Johnson and Mourning for those.

Without the overarching celebrity component, White House officials are stepping in to be the face of the enrollment push.

First lady Michelle Obama took the ObamaCare message on youth enrollment to “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” last week, and Vice President Biden will make appearances on “The Late Show” and “The View” this week.

Nation's Best Obamacare Website Back up After 5-Day Crash; LA Times Recycles Details - Joel Pollak/Breitbart

The situation is so bad that the LA Times has resorted to repeating, verbatim, full paragraphs from previous stories about the problems at Covered California. From Feb. 20:
California's website at has performed better than the federal exchange site,, which had a disastrous launch in the fall.
Instead, Covered California has experienced problems with hourlong wait times on the phone, faulty notices sent to applicants and an error-ridden physician directory that got pulled this month.
And from Feb. 25 (changes in bold):
California's website at has performed better than the federal exchange site,, which had a disastrous launch in the fall.
But Covered California has experienced problems with hour-long wait times on the phone, faulty notices sent to applicants and an error-ridden physician directory that got pulled this month.
So "hour-long" has acquired a hyphen. Other than that, nothing has changed.

REPORT: 11 million small biz employees to see insurance rates hiked... - FOX