
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Over the past six months, this Committee has investigated the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups. Though our investigation is not complete, and the IRS still has many more documents to provide to the Committee, we have discovered a concerted effort by the IRS to limit the ability of those targeted conservative groups to operate and engage in constitutionally protected public debate.

NEW SCANDAL: IRS Singled Out Existing Non Profit Conservative Groups For Audit - Yid With Lid

Another one of those Obama scandals that the mainstream media refuses to report about is the IRS Scandal. When it broke last May we learned that the IRS singled out conservative groups to delay their applications for 501(C)(3) non profit status. At the start of Tuesday's Ways and Means Committee hearing, the IRS scandal got bigger. Committee Chair Rep Camp began Tuesday's meeting with a statement that included the fact the IRS also targeted conservative groups who already had non profit status, for audit....

The lengths this administration went to prevent free speech is totally incredible. The IRS audits were an abuse of power meant to intimidate the conservative groups into silence. And the fact the mainstream media doesn't cover this story is outright shameful!

Camp Opening Statement: H.R. 3865, “Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act of 2014” (Remarks as Prepared) -