
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Obamacare Rules Leave Some Domestic Violence Victims Without Escape

Law includes a powerful disincentive for victims trying to leave abusive marriages; it's been nearly two years since Treasury said it would fix the problem. - Bridget Johnson/PJMedia

...Under current enrollment policies, victims who have left abusive relationships, even if they file taxes separately from a spouse, still are judged on total household income of the marriage. So if a victim flees and is trying to obtain health insurance coverage, she or he may actually be scraping by on a substantially smaller income yet not qualify for subsidies — and be mandated to buy a costly policy.

And a high healthcare premium would exacerbate what is already a trepidatious financial situation, with many victims coming from a marriage where the abusive spouse controlled the money and many of the abused eventually returning to the marriage because of an inability to financially support oneself and any children.