
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Krauthammer: Obama ‘wakes up in the morning and decides what the law is going to be’

“So here we’re going to go through a complete revolution of one-sixth of the U.S. economy — the dislocation of doctors, hospital, patients and plans everywhere, including insurers — in order to achieve a result in a decade where we have essentially the same number of uninsured. So what was this all about?” - Daily Caller

Obamacare is what Obama wants it to be - Washington Examiner Editorial

The employer mandate move is merely the latest in a long list of unilateral changes Obama has made to his signature law. His administration delayed the implementation of income verification requirements for those applying for federal health insurance subsidies; minimized the impact of a “reinsurance fee” on labor union health care plans; and announced he wouldn’t enforce rules in the law that had spurred insurers to cancel millions of health care plans, undercutting his promise that those who liked their plan could keep it.

The actual text of the legislation he signed is secondary to what best serves his political purpose at the time. While Republicans are attacked for wanting to sabotage Obamacare whenever they propose reasonable changes through the constitutional legislative process, it has been deemed perfectly acceptable for Obama to unilaterally make sweeping alterations.