
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Groundhog Day 2014 vs. the Super Bowl and the Polar Vortex

How will the East Coast cold snap and the Super Bowl affect the turnout for this year's Groundhog Day festivities? - NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

Groundhog Day 2014: Phil Sees His Shadow, Signifying 6 More Weeks of Winter - THE WEATHER CHANNEL

According to legend, if it's cloudy when the groundhog emerges, Phil will leave his burrow, signifying that winter will end soon. If it's sunny out, the groundhog will supposedly see his shadow and, frightened, retreat back into his burrow while winter drags on for six more weeks.
(MORE: These Oddly Colored Animals Make You Do a Double-Take)

The tradition is rooted in a German superstition that says if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2, the Christian holiday of Candlemas, winter will last six more weeks.

Groundhog Day 2014: Punxsutawney Phil Sees His Shadow And Staten Island Chuck Gets Dropped [VIDEO] - IBTIMES

During the Groundhog Day 2014 event at the Staten Island Zoo, newly elected NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio made his first appearance at this annual event. As de Blasio was handling Chuck, the groundhog squirmed out of the mayor's gloved hands and leaped onto the floor. The moment led to plenty of gasps but it appears Chuck was unharmed from his leap of faith.