
Friday, February 21, 2014


In a watershed moment and a huge victory over environmentalists, General Electric has agreed to stop projects that are designed solely for the purpose of carbon dioxide reductions to please those who lobby for climate change concessions. - William Bigelow/Breitbart

...The new concession by GE may have been in the works for some time; in 2011, Immelt told an MIT Enterprise Forum audience that he had "lost interest in calling on the United States to develop a more comprehensive energy policy." National Center President David Ridenour responded, “talk is cheap."
Danhof concluded:
All too often, shareholders find themselves facing almost insurmountable odds when they believe the company they have invested in has strayed from free-market principles. In this case, the company has done the right thing. Not only is this a victory for General Electric's shareholders and employees, it is a victory for all Americans.
Amy Ridenhour added:
For the past quarter-century, government and corporate efforts have plowed billions into the promotion and exploitation of the human-caused catastrophic global warming theory. The result has been higher taxes, greater deficits, higher prices, job loss and greater government control over our daily lives – all in service of a theory based on computer models that are not coming true. More and more people around the world are waking up to the fact that the global warming theory is about hot air, all right, but that a startlingly high percentage of that hot air is coming from people pushing the theory, not hardworking people going about their daily business. Slowly but surely, the expensive, job-killing and liberty-encroaching global warming leviathan is being defeated. We commend General Electric for taking this step and encourage other corporations to follow its lead.