
Saturday, January 4, 2014

When last we left our heroes, they had successfully evacuated 52 global warming scientists from the MV Akademik Shokalskiy, a Russian ice breaker that was stranded by ice for 10 days.

The Further Adventures of the Chinese Ice Breaker That Rescued the Global Warming Scientists - Rick Moran/PJMedia

The Chinese ship, the Xue Long, used a helicopter to ferry the scientists — who still insist the Antarctic ice is melting due to global warming — to an Australian ice breaker that is now on the way back home.

But rather than get the girl and live happily ever after, the Chinese ice breaker itself has now become trapped by sea ice.

An Australian ice-breaker carrying the rescued passengers has been placed on standby in case the Chinese ship, Xue Long, needs assistance. - BBC (image source)

Xue Long beset by ice, Aurora Australis to abandon SAR and head to Casey base with ‘Spirit of Mawson’ people - Watts Up With That?

$400,000 hit for ice rescue revealed. - The Australian

TAXPAYERS will foot a $400,000 bill for the rescue of a group of climate scientists, tourists and journalists from a stranded Russian research vessel – an operation that has blown the contingency budget of Australia’s Antarctic program and disrupted its scientific work. The Antarctic Division in Hobart said it was revising plans and considering airlifting urgently needed scientific equipment that could not be unloaded from Aurora Australis before the ship was diverted from the Casey base to rescue the novice ice explorers just before Christmas.

Ship of Warmist Fools - Thomas Lifson/American Thinker

...Actually they aren't just a "group of scientists." Many are wealthy eco-tourists, paying handsomely for the opportunity to brag to their friends about their dedication to reversing the pending inferno.... The expedition brought with it 4 journalists, 26 paying tourists.

Schadenfreude is free; Antarctic air-sea rescues are not - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

Price to Americans for helping other countries deal with “climate change”: $7.45 Billion.

Price of an international air-sea rescue of 52 passengers (including 4 journalists and 26 paying tourists, and various academic advocates of “global warming”): Millions of dollars, to be paid by the shipping companies and their insurers.

Price of the enjoyment brought to millions of “global warming deniers” when reading about the expedition of warmists on a Russian ship trapped in ice: Priceless.

It is good that no one has died, sacrificed on the altar of “global warming science.” I think Jim Treacher sums up my feelings best: ◼ Schadenfreude is a dish best served cold.

◼ EARLIER: Now that the ‘Ship of Fools’ is safe in Antarctica, tough questions need to be asked... will the Akademik Shokalskiy join the list of recent ships that have been sunk in Antarctic waters?
Rescue of trapped climate-change researchers from ice and blizzard finally succeeds
The Antarctic ‘research’ fiasco: It probably seemed like an excellent idea: Load a bunch of tourists and journalists aboard a ship for an expedition to Antarctica in December (the height of summer at the South Pole) so they can see for themselves how global warming is melting the ice.
So much sea ice in Antarctica that a research vessel gets stuck, in the middle of summer!