
Friday, January 17, 2014

Pulp Fiction. Reservoir Dogs. Django Unchained. Kill Bill. Rambo. All produced by Harvey Weinstein.

Harvey’s Hypocrisy: King of Gun Violence’s Anti-NRA Flick Will Only Increase Gun Sales, Membership

All of the films at the top of the page were produced by Harvey Weinstein. That success has made him one of the most powerful—and easily the most intimidating—force to be reckoned with in Hollywood (net worth estimated at $150 million). And all of these flicks have one very obvious theme in common:

Gun violence. Lots of it.

In fact, four of the five (with Pulp being the exception) make CNN’s recent list of the 20 most violent movies. So you can understand the hilarious hypocrisy of Weinstein when, on Wednesday, he shared with the great Howard Stern his plans to release to a film (starring Meryl Streep) that will make the NRA “wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

Harvey Weinstein…

Who has glamorized gun violence on the big screen for decades…

All while putting millions in his pocket along the way.