
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Snowpocalypse 2014: Deadly winter storm Hercules threatens 100million people, 2,000 flights grounded and temperatures colder than MARS

New record low set in the coldest city in the continental USA – much of the country headed for a deep freeze - Watts Up With That?
Storm Hercules to sweep across a third of America and affect 100million as Canada records temperatures colder than MARS - Daily Mail [UK]
'GLOBAL WARMING' INTENSIFIES...World's climate warming faster than feared, scientists say - Telegraph UK

More than 1,950 flights within, into, or out of the U.S. have been cancelled today, according to, as a major snowstorm bears down on the Northeast. More than 5,000 flights have been delayed. - Business Insider

NYC WINTER WARNING - National Weather Service
UP TO 14" IN BOSTON - National Weather Service
RADAR - Intellicast
1,800+ flights stopped - NY Post
Cuomo Closes Highways Across State - FOX NY
Declares state of emergency - WBTAI
De Blasio: 'Stay home tonight' - Gothamist
Meteorologist: 'Exposed skin could freeze in 15 minutes' - Wall St. Journal

Blizzard to Reach From NYC to Boston...
USA ushers in 2014 with record-low temps...
Chicago Sees Biggest Snowfall In 15 Years...
NFL: Bitter cold coming to Green Bay on Sunday - High of four degrees...

Parts of Manitoba hit -53 C, colder than Mars - CBC Canada

In terms of astonishing weather facts, it doesn't get much more impressive than being as cold as a distant planet for a day.