
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

LiveStreaming and LiveBlogging the #SOTU

YouTube, news sites will livestream the State of the Union: YouTube reports that several news partners will also have coverage of the SOTU on their YouTube Channels, including ◼ The New York Times,the Wall Street Journal,The Washington Post,The Young Turks and ◼ NowThis News.

Official GOP livestream

White House stream:


Ace of Spades


Don’t Miss Tonight’s ‘On the Record’ at 7 pm/ET and Join the Conversation on Twitter Using ◼ #greta !

SOTU Open Thread – what freaky climate claims will POTUS make tonight? - Watts Up With That?

Althouse Open Thread

Open thread: Still three more of these to go, America, if you can believe it - AllahPundit at HotAir

State Of The Union Address 2014 Live Stream: What Will Obama Say In His Speech? International Business Times

YouTube will livestream President Obama’s State of the Union address at 9 p.m. eastern, according to a press release from YouTube, “followed by the Republican response by Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers on Speaker Boehner’s channel. Senator Mike Lee will deliver the Tea Party response and Senator Rand Paul will offer remarks as well.”


There is no shortage of livestreams Tuesday night allowing you to watch the State of the Union address online. The State of the Internet is strong, with no fewer than a dozen major news sites providing a State of the Union livestream at 9 p.m. ET Tuesday night. - Allvoices

This is the one year that watching an Internet stream may provide an advantage over the typical television broadcast of the State of the Union address. There are three -- count 'em! -- three Republican responses scheduled to be delivered after President Obama completes his address. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA) is slated to deliver the official Republican response at 9:45 p.m. ET, followed by the Tea Party response from Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), then followed by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) delivering his own response to complete the marathon of political speeches.

YouTube (info via Mashable)

Obama's speech will also be available on the ◼ White House official YouTube channel. The Republican response, by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), will be live streamed on the ◼ Speaker of the House channel.

The Tea Party's response, which will be delivered by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), will also be broadcast on YouTube, on the ◼ Tea Party Express channel. Not to be outdone, social media savvy — and potential 2016 Presidential hopeful — Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will deliver a response on his ◼ personal channel.

The Republican Party will embed the official response by McMorris Rodgers on its ◼ State of the Union website. The site doesn't have the interactive features that the White House offers, but it does include an embedded, real-time Twitter stream.

25 Things President Obama is Guaranteed NOT to Mention During his State of the Union Speech - Doug Ross