
Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Further, there is a bipartisan consensus that the Times is completely wrong. Both Republicans and Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee – who have seen the most top-secret intelligence on Benghazi – have stated publicly that the Times is wrong and that Benghazi was an attack by terrorists with ties to al Qaeda."


On December 28th, the Times published an article based on what it claimed was a massive, months-long investigation of the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

The result of this so-called investigation? The retelling of the infamous lie that a YouTube video so enraged hundreds of Libyans that they stormed the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi and murdered four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Never mind that these Libyans just happened to be so well trained and heavily armed that they could defeat American security forces, some of whom were retired Navy SEALs, or that they launched their tactical assault in several waves until they were ultimately successful.

Never mind either that leaders of this supposedly spontaneous Islamist flash mob would be overheard by U.S. intelligence bragging to their terrorist buddies about the attack.

No, you see, the Times interviewed some of the attackers who claimed – truthfully of course – that it was the video that inspired their murderous rage. Case closed?
