
Saturday, January 25, 2014

“A poorly crafted internal memo meant to highlight editorial discussions and planning incorrectly indicated that such a database was being planned; it has been considered and rejected.”

Newspaper conglomerate considers REJECTS building massive database of gun owners - Daily Caller

A U.S. newspaper conglomerate has considered building state-by-state databases of people who have the right to carry concealed firearms.

Civitas Media, which owns 88 newspapers in 12 states and more than 100 total publications, is planning to use public records requests to build their databases, according to an internal Civitas email obtained by the Buckeye Firearms Association in Ohio.

Civitas director of content Jim Lawitz emailed content directors, managers, and producers in a January 19 email, saying that exploring the “explosion” of conceal and carry permits in the U.S. will be one of the company’s short-term objectives.

UPDATE: Following the publication of this report, Civitas Media announced that it rejected its internal proposal to build a database of concealed carry permit holders.