
Friday, December 20, 2013

Well, isn't this interesting. ...both the official Barack Obama and Organizing for America Twitter accounts have shifted their messaging from touting the benefits and success stories of Obamacare (few as they may be), to scare-whoring the costs of repealing the law.

"The Costs of Repeal" - JohnE/Ace Of Spades (image source)

I'm not sure if they're seeing disastrous internal polling or if this is a shot at the increasingly-weak knees of several red state Democrat Senators up for reelection next year, but either way, this is not exactly a position of strength. Repealing our signature law that is creating nationwide disruptions and confusion will likely cause more disruptions and confusion! Sure, run with that. Also, the website will be faster. Huzzah.

If you're explaining, you're losing, as they say.