
Monday, December 2, 2013

The GOP: A Choice, not an Echo

We’ve been saying for years that America needs a bold choice, not a faint and pathetic echo. - Red State

As Eric Cantor said, “America needs a Republican Party.”

We need a Republican Party that will end Obama’s immigration lawlessness and protect America first – before pandering to special interests.

We need a Republican Party that will categorically write off corporate welfare and phase out the current regime of subsidies across many sectors of the economy.

We need a Republican Party that will make it clear to the opposition party that they will never blink first, and that they will do everything it takes to vanquish Obamacare.

We need a Republican Party that will fight just as hard, if not harder than, the Democrats to restore our Republic.

It’s time we create one in the 2014 primaries.

GOP should focus on limiting government in 2014 - Hugh Hewitt/Washington Examiner

"What we could do, what we could be, if the federal government would go back to its limited role."

That should be the mantra for GOP candidates for the House and the Senate, incumbents and challengers, in 2014. A year from now, if the center-right sticks to this mantra, to this summary of everything the Obama-Reid-Pelosi troika has inflicted on the country, then we will see a sea change in the makeup of Congress.

The "we" is of course the entire American people, exhausted by five years of utter incompetence and overreach, willing as they have never been before to understand that while the GOP is not a perfect party nor conservatism an answer to all that ails the West, it is the least dangerous choice when it comes to the country's future.

It is the party of free markets, free enterprise, free choice and freedom, period.