
Thursday, December 26, 2013

The fight for “tolerance,” “liberation,” and “equality” therefore becomes a fight to destroy society through intolerance, oppression, and inequality

The Intolerance Towards Normalcy - Political Hat

...They themselves will refuse to show the tolerance that they demand of others. This is because they define the views they disagree with as “intolerance,” “H8,” et al. and the opposition to those views as necessarily being for “tolerance” and against “H8″ regardless of the actual lack of tolerance or hatred that they show. ◼ In other words:
“It’s pretty simple: if your choices aren’t their choices, then your choices are wrong, illegitimate, and societally harmful....”
‘We Haven’t Won Yet’: GLAAD Calls For Broader Censorship - Pat Dollard
The gay advocacy organization that pressured the A&E network into silencing Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty has repeatedly called for censorship against content with which they disagree.... - Jake Hammer/Daily Caller
'Duck Dynasty' controversy should remind Christians what they stand for - Cal Thomas/Washington Examiner