
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Secret probe of conservatives makes Wisconsin ground zero in First Amendment war

◼ Bill Whittle: In the first of a three-part Trifecta, Steve Green, Tammy Bruce and I discuss how things like IRS audits show that you don't need to be thrown in a dungeon to have your Freedom of Speech or Religion curtailed.

WAJ Intro: There are huge developments targeting conservatives and Scott Walker supporters in Wisconsin. - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

There’s a secret war being waged in Wisconsin, and the outcome could have national ramifications on free speech and the rule of law.

As first reported by Wisconsin Reporter in late October, a Democrat-led, secret probe now nearly two years in the making has targeted dozens of conservative organizations on the ground in the Badger State.

The so-called John Doe investigation, which one former Federal Elections Commission member said makes the “Alien and Sedition Act mild by comparison,” has raised serious questions of partisanship and prosecutorial abuse.

A Nov. 18 Wall Street Journal opinion piece, headlined “Wisconsin Political Speech Raid,” reported at least three homes had been raided, and more than 100 subpoenas had been handed out – including one that demands “all records of income received, including fundraising information and the identity of persons contributing to the corporation.”

What’s it all about? As Wisconsin Reporter first revealed, the investigation, launched in early 2012 by the Democrat-led Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office, aims to prove conservatives illegally coordinated activities in the historic recalls of Gov. Scott Walker and Republican state senators, multiple sources say.

One source with knowledge of the investigation has told Wisconsin Reporter the ultimate goal is to bring down Walker, the bane of Wisconsin liberals.