
Friday, December 6, 2013

Networks Skip Special Treatment for Obama's Illegal Uncle, But Univision Hits 'Favoritism'

"I believe it has been favoritism." The journalist wondered, "What probability does a person with a deportation order have that his case would be re-opened?" - Newsbusters

...On Wednesday afternoon, White House spokesman Jay Carney changed the administration's official story and admitted that the President briefly lived with Onyango in the 1980s. Will the networks finally follow-up?

Crying Uncle - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

He previously said he knew nothing about his then illegal alien uncle. Now he says he knows something after the uncle gave up the goods at a recent immigration hearing....

At this point, the lies are piling onto lies, the Millennials are fleeing, core Hispanic and Non-White support is cliff diving, and it’s Democrats in Congress who are crying Uncle.