
Saturday, December 21, 2013

"It is our understanding that when the TV executives came up with the concept for the show, they wanted it to be a case of people laughing at a bunch of backward rednecks... But when it didn’t turn out like that and people actually started identifying with the way the family behaved and were laughing with them, not at them, they became uncomfortable...It did not sit well with the New York TV types."

'Duck Dynasty' Source: Robertson 'Hung Out to Dry' by A&E - Newsmax
Why Duck Dynasty Threatens The Left. - Instapundit/PJ Media
For the first time in reality TV history, the Christian characters are cool – or at least worth watching. If the Robertsons broke the “Christian” ceiling in reality TV, will others follow? - The Federalist
For Those Who Say the Duck Dynasty Controversy Doesn't Affect Them - Godfather Politics
When They Came for Phil Robertson, I Was Not a Duck Commander, So . . . - CBMW

First they came for the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association,
but I wasn’t a retreat center, so, I did nothing.

When, they came for Tim Tebow,
I wasn’t a Heisman-winning quarterback, so I did nothing.

When they came for Craig James...

Rather than consider Phil a decoy, let us use this moment to make a gracious defense of religious liberty that, through us, more may be happy, happy, happy.