
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Will CNN'S “Crossfire” Drop Cutter Over Lies?

Sean Higgins, a senior writer for the Washington Examiner, points out that CNN’s Stephanie Cutter, who served as President Obama’s deputy campaign manager in 2012, had echoed Obama’s false claim that Obamacare would protect those people who wanted to keep their health insurance plans. - Cliff Kincaid/TREVOR LOUDON'S NEW ZEAL

Cutter was a member of Obama’s “truth team.”

On CNN’s “Crossfire,” Cutter, one of the liberal co-hosts, failed to come completely clean on the November 8 program: “…let’s talk about the President’s apology. He’s sorry because some Americans are losing their insurance plans, and their new plans are costing more. And he did promise that if you liked your plan, you can keep it, but the way the law has unfolded doesn’t live up to that promise. And admittedly I’ve used that line, too, and there’s no doubt the administration oversold it.”

Notice the use of the phrase, “the way the law has unfolded,” as if nobody anticipated this turn of events and that Obama is a victim, too. In terms of her own role in spreading these lies and making the false claim about keeping your health insurance, she said, “admittedly I’ve used that line, too…” and the claim was “oversold.”

She failed to admit she lied and did not apologize. This woman is a professional liar.

...The main problem with CNN’s new “Crossfire” has been the use of political partisans from the Obama administration or his election campaigns such as Cutter and Van Jones as “liberal” co-hosts. Cutter has now been caught lying for the administration and covering up. She ought to be booted from the show. Jones is a disgraced former communist and should never have been hired.

How can the channel justify retention of a political partisan who lied to the American people and refuses to apologize? By using a liar like Cutter, CNN is not contributing to an honest discussion of the issues, but enabling political partisans to poison the public debate.

...By the way, even the liberals at Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) take offense to Cutter’s pro-Obama posturing, noting her continuing ties to the White House. FAIR notes, “…while the premise of the CNN show is that Cutter is ‘from the left,’ she still maintains working ties to the White House.” For example, she was “part of a PR strategy session on selling the White House’s Syria policy.”

FAIR says, “If Stephanie Cutter is consulting with the White House, and then going on TV to discuss the very same issues, she’s not representing the left—or her viewers. She’s representing the White House.”