
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why voters are finished believing Obama's health care promise

For years, GOP warnings about Obamacare were about something that had not yet arrived. People had not experienced Obamacare, did not have friends who had experienced it and didn't fully understand what it was. Many tuned out the Republican alarms. - Byron York/Washington Examiner

Now that has changed. Millions of Americans are unhappy with what they have experienced under Obamacare — canceled policies, higher premiums and sky-high deductibles. They are also much more likely to believe predictions of future problems. They've seen what has already happened and now know it can get worse.

...In the three and a half years between March 23, 2010, the day Obamacare was signed into law, and Oct. 1, 2013, the day its implementation got under way, millions of voters, no matter what doubts they might have had, thought it best to give Obamacare a chance to work. That's why they didn't respond to the GOP's dire warnings. But now, they've seen what Obamacare can mean in their lives. And they won't be buying any more promises.

Panic: Democrats Sweating Bullets Over Saturday's Obamacare Deadline - Guy Benson/Townhall

White House: Website won’t be fixed by December 1 - HotAir

Old and busted: will be fully operational by November 30th. New hotness: will, er, work better than it did by December 1!

...Democrats pinned their hopes of competing in the 2014 midterms on the Obama administration’s ability to deliver on this pledge. Now they’re beginning to realize that they’ve hitched their wagons to a failing star:
For Democrats, the politics of the health care law are creating a death spiral of their own. For the White House to protect its signature initiative, it needs to maintain a Democratic Senate majority past 2015. But to do so, Majority Leader Harry Reid needs to insulate vulnerable battleground-state Democrats, who are all too eager to propose their own fixes to the law that may be politically satisfying, but could undermine the fundamentals of the law.
In the old system, 85% of Americans had health insurance, and 87% were satisfied with their health care. Good luck trying to run on the “evils” of that system, especially after getting an up-close-and-personal look at DemocratCare.

Two More Reasons Why ‘Obamacare Delenda Est!’ (Must be Destroyed) - Tom Blumer/PJMedia